Saturday, January 22, 2011

ICT in EduCatiON...

     Information and Communication Technology (ICT) had begun to be used on a large scale throughout our school system as a teaching aid in 2003, that was when teaching Science and Mathematics were in English. Unfortunately, instead of being a teaching aid, in many cases the poor English of the teachers turned the teaching aid into the only teacher many kids got. In fact, the structure of the aids seems to replace teachers instead of assist them. This is totally wrong, because ICT can be a fantastic teaching aid when used correctly.

The primary advantage of ICT is that it offers access to a lot of data and information which teachers do not have, and it can present those informations in compelling and interesting ways. Indeed, ICT lends itself readily to all sorts of interesting applications in the classroom. A truly successful programme for ICT use in the classroom would not only allow but encourage teachers to go beyond government-supplied tools, and to use things like the internet to better their teaching. Even if all they do is use Google to search for answers to questions they don't have answers to, I think it's a lot more instructive and useful for students to see how to use Google to find answers than it is for them to get a simple lecture from the computer.

Other than that, teachers or lectures can use internet to locate studies and prove that what they teach actually exist. Though they could have just told students to look those things up in their spare time, an option  to call up all those visual aids and supporting facts in the classroom itself is clearly invaluable to the learning experience. So, with the increasing use of the internet in education most schools will have devised an internet policy. As a minimum, schools will include a ban on accessing unsuitable sites for children, including those of a pornographic, violent, or racist nature. However there will be many other kinds of site which the school may deem to be unsuitable. 

ICT is a really good teaching aid. But it takes two to tango, eventhough teachers can use ICT as teaching aids, they still have a role to play. After all, teachers should be able to tell when students are not paying attention to the virtual lecture, and answer any questions the students may have.

Friday, January 21, 2011


     There are so much to learn about English and it can be really fun. All we need to have is just the passion and enthusiasm to better ourself. Here are some simple ways for anyone who is interested in improving their English. Perhaps those tips listed below are common to some people.

1) This is what most people would advise: read.
Read anything and everything in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs,comics, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. For story books, don’t force yourself to read something too difficult or something you know you won’t enjoy. Make reading fun! Read books that you ENJOY reading.

2) Watch English movies with subtitles.
By doing this, not only you get to have a fun time watching the movie, you'll also be learning new words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them! Usually, you can get movies with English subtitles on DVDs.

3) Start a blog in English.
This is one way for you to practice your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favourite movies, your favourite characters, what you think could be improved in the movie, what new movies to expect next year, etc. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in online chatting and more.

4) Write in your diary/journal in English. 
This is where you can write anything in it. But if you do write something you wouldn’t want others to read, make sure you hide it somewhere safe! Or try not to write anything offensive at all in case someone does find it. You can also write about neutral stuff like the places you went that day, what you ate, who you met, what you did, etc.

5) Speak the language whenever you can.
Speak it with friends and family. You can also sing along to English songs! Try karaoke! Don’t be shy to try speaking the language. Don’t be afraid that others will laugh at you or tease you. In fact, they’ll admire you for your courage and confidence.

      Actually, there are many more ways for us to improve our English. If we have extra money to spend, we can even sign up for English courses, English camps, and so on. But, why should we throw our money if we can learn the language in cheaper way? Earn at your own pace. There’s no need to hurry when learning something especially a language. Learning language is a long time process. Make learning English fun. Don’t give up too soon or get discouraged. Don’t get stressed out when it becomes a little difficult. 

        ALL THE BEST...(^_^)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why do we go to university?

      College is the greatest place in the world for those who go for the right reasons. But, for those who go for the wrong reasons, college is a waste of time and money. Sometimes, I wonder why we are all in college or university. Being one of students of higher learning institution is such a must for everyone. So, "why are we all in university"?  That seemed like an easy enough question to answer. A person may answer, "So we can get a job one day and find lots of money!" However, we all know that there are many people who never went to university and are rich beyond imagination. Just take Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary as an example. He can even be a millionaire without going to university. Another student will answer "to get an education" Yet, we don't have necessarily to go to university to do that. Many people get their education through the school of hard knocks. Then, another person will say "to get a degree because we won't get it unless we go to university". Basically, there are so many answer to that question, depends on the person.

       However, as for me, going to univesity gives us so much more than just an education. We can found some great friends in university and we also will have a whole new outlook in life and what we want to do with our life. Besides, we will soon discover who are we as a person and what we want to be as a person. We can also develop leadership skills and interpersonal communication skills which will be useful in society as we will meet so much people from different backgrounds. Indeed, the main reason we go to university is to learn to socialise.

     When we graduate and enter the work field, we will be surrounded by generally like-minded people with roughly the same educational background and social status. The reality is that our world will be constrained by our career choices. If we are in the education field, the people we mingle with will be fellow teachers and school staffs. And if we are in banking, the people around us would have probably studied finance. College is the only time in our life when we are exposed to all kinds of people from all walks of life and from very different backgrounds. So, university is for different people to get together and interact. If we don't learn how to interact with myriad of people when we are young and carefree, how will we ever be able to do so when we enter the "real world" and have to cope with the challenges and insecurities of succeeding a career? But, we would have a better chance of broadening our network beyond what would normally be the case because we learn how to do so when we are young.

     All in all, university is a once-in-a-life-time experience that will change our life.